Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Cold -b- gone stew

Are you feeling a little bit ill, but not quite see a doctor ill? Feel a cold coming on? Well, I, Carl, of Blog Fortress, have a cold-be-gone soup that I'd like to share with you.

This is an egg drop soup that will get rid of your cold.
You'll need:
A pot (some water)
A bowl
Sri Racha Sauce

2 eggs
1 potato
1 whole onion
3 handfuls of garlic
1 handful of mushrooms
1 handful of jalapenos
(optional: 2~4 green onions)

1. Fill the pot halfway with water and place it on your burner. Turn on the burner to high.
2. Cube the potato and add it into the pot.
3. Seperately slice and dice the green onions, jalapenos, garlic, and onions. Place into a bowl.
4. Quarter or dice the mushrooms. Place into a bowl.
5. After all the veggies have been dealt with and are into the bowl, stir the contents into the pot.
6. When the stew reaches boiling, crack both eggs into the pot and stir.
7. Take the pot off the burner. Add a lot of Wasabi, Pepper and Sri Racha. Stir vigorously.
8. Allow the stew to cool for two minutes and not a moment longer.
9. Dish up, eat the soup and drink the broth as hot as you can handle.
*10. Reheat and eat any leftovers for subsequent meals.

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