Sunday, February 24, 2013

stay tuned

Hey there fans,

This blog is something I feel I ought to update more but my IRL going-ons seem to keep me from being on it more regularly.

I've decided since I have infrequent updates that I'm going to throw in a last-ditch effort at this beast; see where that goes and then decide whether to keep updating this blog or not.
The current plan is that I'm going to make a season of vlogs and release them one or two a week until they run out-and possibly make another season but that's getting ahead of myself.

Stay tuned. I'm going to get cracking on it.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Hey there blog fans! I enjoy sketching. A lot! I realized the other week that I'm not so good at drawing faces, so on my facebook I asked for friends' permission to sketch their profiles. I cut off the list at 8 shiny faces and took some time to draw them all. Here's the vlog action:
Portraits are here:
Pics and such.
Tips on drawing faces? Requests for drawings? Critiques? Make a comment below!